Blue Shield of California Shield Spectrum PPO 5000
Overview:By Medicoverage Staff
The Shield Spectrum PPO plans by Blue Shield of CA provide comprehensive coverage for doctor visits, prescription drugs, and hospital care. The Shield Spectrum PPO 5000 plan contains a $5,000 annual deductible, 30% coinsurance, and a $7,000 copayment/coinsurance maximum. Unlimited lifetime benefits are also provided with this plan. For office visits, members are responsible for a $35 copayment (after the deductible has been met), and preventative care is covered at no additional cost. Prescription drug coverage includes both generic and brand name drugs
Instant Quote: Blue Shield CA Shield Spectrum PPO 5000 Quote
Application Link: Apply for the Blue Shield CA Shield Spectrum PPO 5000 plan
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Blue Shield CA Shield Spectrum PPO 5000 Summary of Benefits PDF