Obamacare News Blog

Michigan Healthcare Exchange: The Basics

Michigan Healthcare Exchange

There are 9.8 Million residents in Michigan who will be affected by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (AKA ObamaCare or Healthcare Exchange). Will you be ready? Here are the basics:

1) Everyone in the Great Lakes State must purchase health insurance or face a penalty by law. There are few exemptions such as if you are a member of an Indian tribe. To learn about the penalties and/or to find out if you are exempt read the penalty overview article Affordable Care Act: Penalties for the Uninsured.

2) With the new Healthcare Exchange all persons of MI are eligible for health coverage, regardless of preexisting conditions, including childhood asthma. To learn more about guaranteed coverage read the article ObamaCare: Guaranteed Issuance for Everyone.

3) Over a million citizens of Michigan will receive a federal subsidy to help with health insurance monthly premiums. To find out if you are eligible for a federal subsidy go to the article Health Care Exchange Subsidies: Do You Qualify?

4) The ObamaCare open enrollment period for 2014 begins October 1, 2013 and ends March 31, 2014. In proceeding years the open enrollment period will be shortened to three months. Call today for assistance enrolling at 800.930.7956 extension 0.

Next Steps
To learn more about the affect of the Healthcare Exchange on Michigan or for assistance please call 800.930.7956 extension 0 or contact Medicoverage: Healthcare Exchange MI.

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